
Sharpen Your Skills in 2025 with Dugoni School CE Courses

male doctor looking into microscope with person behind him

The Division of Continuing Dental Education (CDE) at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry is accepting registrations for winter and spring 2025 courses. Enhance your dental skills and learn the latest about oral surgery, endodontics, smartphone photography, ceramic veneers, medical emergencies and much more!

Take advantage of CDE’s early bird tuition discount on most hands-on workshops.

Expand Your Clinical Success with Composites and Smartphone Photography – Feb. 22, 2025

Dr. Mark Kleive will present two topics during this workshop. The first portion will focus on “Artistry and Efficiency with Composite Restorations” with an emphasis placed on the newest materials and tips and tricks to improve efficiency and outcomes. He will also present “Mastering Dental Photography with Your Smartphone,” where participants will learn techniques to efficiently integrate smartphone photography into their clinical practice.

Microsurgical Endodontics: From Planning to Execution – Feb. 28 – Mar. 2

Dr. Adham A. Azim will present an intensive, three-day workshop about endodontic microsurgery, designed specifically for endodontists. The program will feature a live surgery demonstration and attendees will perform surgery on simulated 3D surgical models using surgical operating microscopes and proper microsurgery armamentarium.

Oral Surgery for General Practitioners: A Guided Hands-on Workshop – Mar. 8–9

During this two-day workshop, Dr. Samuel Liu will offer general dentists a chance to acquire knowledge, enhance techniques and deepen their understanding of oral surgery within dental practice. Participants will work with dentoform models to demonstrate and practice techniques taught during the lecture portion.

Live Webinar: Responsibilities and Requirements of Prescribing Schedule II Opioid Drugs – Mar. 15

Dr. Andrew Young, the director of orofacial disorders services at the Dugoni School, will explain how narcotics work and compare to other forms of pain control. This live interactive webinar satisfies the dental license renewal requirement and will count towards in-person instructional hours for the Dental Board of California.

Dentistry’s Essentials of Emergency Medicine (DEEM): A Simulation-based Training Workshop – Mar. 22 – 23

This immersive, hands-on workshop, led by Dr. Jesse W. Manton and Luke E. Manton, provides an opportunity for dental professionals to practice managing medical emergency scenarios in a safe environment, using human patient simulators and standardized patient actors. Participants will use real medical equipment, learn to read a patient monitor and interact with dynamically responding simulated patients in clinical scenarios.

39th Annual Charles A. Sweet, Sr. Pediatric Dentistry Memorial Lecture — April 5, 2025

The 39th Annual Charles A. Sweet, Sr. Pediatric Dentistry Memorial Lecture will feature Dr. Daniela Rodrigues P. Silva, an expert in pediatric dentistry and former chair at UCLA School of Dentistry. Dr. Silva will present on clinical strategies for diagnosing and treating molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH), as well as the diagnosis and management of traumatic dental injuries in children and adolescents. This course is designed for pediatric dentists, general practitioners and the entire dental team.

Ceramic Veneers from A to Z: Intensive Hands-on Workshop* – Apr. 25 – 27

The three-day hands-on workshop is will teach general dentists advanced ceramic veneer techniques derived from clinical studies. Dr. Stevenson will discuss variations in preparation design for different types of patients and how and when to implement the following: traditional veneers, super veneers, posterior veneers, vonlays and full ceramic crowns. He will provide participants with the knowledge, tools and skills required to set a clear course of mastery in this arena of restorative dentistry. 

Minimally Invasive Dentistry Symposium – May 3 – 4, 2025

Gain cutting-edge insights from renowned experts on topics such as erosive tooth wear, caries management and innovative bioactive materials. Elevate your clinical practice with evidence-based strategies and practical tools. The symposium will feature presentations from field’s leading international authorities: Drs. David Bartlett, Rebecca Moazzez, John D. Featherstone, Aylin Baysan, Yasmi O. Crystal and Mary Anne Melo.

Explore the full schedule and register at

Dues-paying alumni receive 15% off most programs; email CE for the discount code. Email or phone 415.929.6486 with any questions.